SPIE.Photonics West 2025Products & Services Single-Photon Demultiplexing Systems (DMX)

Single-Photon Demultiplexing Systems (DMX)


Single-photon demultiplexing refers to the process of separating and extracting individual photon signals from a composite stream of photons. This technique is crucial in quantum communication and quantum information processing systems, where the ability to manipulate and detect individual photons is essential.
It enables the extraction of quantum states carried by photons and facilitates various protocols such as quantum key distribution (QKD) or quantum teleportation. QUBIG offers low optical loss spatial demultiplexing systems with single-photon repetitions up to 160MHz and up to 16 channels.


Further reading

1550 nm | 16-CH | Demultiplexing-Uint

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