SPIE.Photonics West 2025Products & Services TRITOR Stages for X, Y and Z Precise Positioning

TRITOR Stages for X, Y and Z Precise Positioning

piezosystem jena GmbH

TRITOR® nanopositioners are extremely compact but offer motions of up to 400 µm in all three X, Y and Z axes. Parallel motion is achieved without mechanical play due to the system’s rigid design. As an option, integrated position control systems for overcoming the effect of hysteresis are available.

These piezo stages can be easily combined with other mechanical positioning systems, and they are well suited for various applications reaching from optical research to OEM systems.

TRITOR® elements consist of actuators integrated in a housing with internal lever transmission. Since the lever mechanism works in both directions, forces between the housing and top plate need to be avoided, as they could damage the stage.

These multi-axis positioning stages are attached by using two diagonal holes.

Further reading

The 3D Nanopositioning Stage microTRITOR

The 3D Nanopositioning Stage microTRITOR

The Compact Three-Axis Translation Stage TRITOR 400

The 3-Axes Piezo Stage TRITOR 100

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