SPIE.Photonics West 2025Products & Services ScanFieldMonitor SFM
ScanFieldMonitor SFM
Find out everything worth knowing about your
production parameters in less than 3 seconds from the
SFM. You’ll soon find that it is as innovative and
creative as the 3D production industry itself. A
revolutionary patented measuring process from
PRIMES for additive manufacturing processes
characterized by a small glass structure, a compact
design, and our innovative measuring principle make
the SFM a multifaceted, nimble handheld turbo for
laser beam diagnostics and process optimization.
production parameters in less than 3 seconds from the
SFM. You’ll soon find that it is as innovative and
creative as the 3D production industry itself. A
revolutionary patented measuring process from
PRIMES for additive manufacturing processes
characterized by a small glass structure, a compact
design, and our innovative measuring principle make
the SFM a multifaceted, nimble handheld turbo for
laser beam diagnostics and process optimization.